Saturday, February 20, 2010

Can Rogues Use Guns How To Convince My Grandma To Let Me Start Playing World Of Warcraft Again?

How to convince my grandma to let me start playing world of warcraft again? - can rogues use guns

How can I convince my grandmother to play my World of Warcraft? I love to start the game and put my Warlock, Paladin, Rogue, and Hunter (lvl 40, other classes are level 10-20) I want a death knight level. (A merger between a Paladin and Mage, why not, that a DK?)

She says I'm addicted to it (I am), and she said she had some things that do not like. I've probably killed monsters with a weapon on my hunter.

The only problem I have with WoW is to keep making expansions in other words, you must purchase the regular BC, WotLK, and disasters, where his freedom. $ 15 per month. Thats would be a lot of money and do not know how many downloads can take from a computer beforecrash.


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